"B for Bapu" - 2001
Dodiya would filter various qualities of artists who inspired him such as Joseph Beuys, Jasper Johns, Philip Guston, Gerhard Richter, and Rene Magritte. The multi-layered conflations of the chosen images would create a humorous mix of the ironic, the utopian, the inimical, the vulnerable, the serious, and the absurd.
He would explore into fresh materials and modes, along with new aesthetic issues and strategies, his firm commitment to the iconographic and painterly traditions remains central to his concern. The particularly chosen paint would be oil, acrylic and enamel paint, emblazoned with blown-up appropriations of flashy film stars featured in Hindi film posters and of a gaudy pantheon of gods and goddesses from bazaar oleographs, these shutters can be rolled up and down as desired.
Bayrle, T. 2004, Vitamin P: new perspectives in painting, Phaidon, London.
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