Sunday, 5 October 2014

Martin Boyce's "Out of This Sun" (2008)

From going back through the art and design references shown in the introductory lecture, I have taken quite an interest into the work made in 2008 known as "Out of This Sun" by the artist Martin Boyce.

What stood out the most in this work is the process from viewing the sculptures, created by Jan and Joel Martel (the four concrete trees), to repeating the pattern of these trees so much that Martin Boyce starts to notice a whole new language emerging from the lines, shapes and forms.

"Concrete Trees"
Jan and Joel Martel, 1925

"Out of This Sun"
Martin Boyce, 2008

Martin Boyce also created installation pieces that also took my interest, not because of what they are but the relation he was able to create with the human memory. He described the nature of how the mind remembers a particular time and place but it is not linear as humans only tend to remember certain fractions of a setting; such as a certain smell, one certain object, a colour, texture etc.

"Night Terrace - Lantern Chains - Forgotten Seas - Sky"
Martin Boyce

These pieces took my interest mainly because they dig in deep into a bold statement that wouldn't be accounted for on first sight. In my view, it is how much information that can be extracted from something that can be so minimalist which makes the context more attractive. The other major significance about this installation piece is how Martin Boyce has the ability to create an outdoor and atmospheric environment within the gallery space. The combined objects create a beautiful scenario rooted from a person's memory, also this could possibly link to how dementia patients are helped in remembering their life's memories.

Turner Prize 2011, Martin Boyce

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